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Supp search results

This page lists the results of a search based on criteria that you have specified.

Command buttons

Search result command buttons

Refine search Refine searchClick this button to show the current search criteria in a full search. You can right-click (or mouse-wheel click) to edit the search criteria in a new tab.
Refresh RefreshRerun the search using the same search criteria. The system will remember the last state of your table, including column positioning, filters, sort and grouping preferences.
SELECTOpens the SELECT menu. See Select menu.
EDITOpens the EDIT menu. See Edit menu.
CSVExports selected rows to a CSV file format. When no rows are selected, exports all visible rows to the CSV file format. The CSV file will download to your browser’s Downloads folder.
COPYOpens the COPY menu. See Copy menu.
VIEWOpens the VIEW menu. See View menu.
ValMap ValMapOpens the selected properties in ValMap.
ValMap portal ValMap portalOpens the selected properties in VNSW’s online ValMap portal.
MVOW mapping MVOW mappingOpens the selected properties in an MVOW mapping tab.
Google Maps Google Maps optionsOpens a drop-down menu allowing you to:
  • plot up to ten locations on a Google Map using View in Google Maps View in Google Maps, or
  • plan an optimal route from a starting location and nine other property locations using Route planning Route planning.
Favourite FavouriteAdd the current search criteria to your Favourite tab.
Action ActionOpens the Action Action menu. See Action menu.

Select menu

Click the SELECT menu to access selection commands.

Select menu items

All rows (Alt + A)Select all rows that have not been hidden.


To include the hidden rows in the selection, unhide the hidden ones first.

No rowsDeselect all rows.
Invert selectionDeselect all selected rows while selecting all unselected rows that have not been hidden.
Open selected itemsOpen up to 20 of the selected items in their own tabs.
Hide selected rowsTemporarily removes selected items from the search results.


This does not delete the items, nor does it change the search criteria.

Hide non-selected rowsTemporarily removes non-selected items from the search results.


This does not delete the items, nor does it change the search criteria.

Show hidden rowsUnhides any row that is currently hidden.

Edit menu

Click the EDIT menu to access selection commands.

In gridEnters a column-oriented bulk editing mode. Only some columns (shaded white) are editable. You can drag values within a column to apply it to multiple rows.

Press the Save in-place changes button to save your changes.
With bulk editorEnters a supp-oriented bulk editing mode. The bulk supp editor provides an ability to change values across all selected items.
With workflow editorEnters a workflow-oriented bulk editing mode. The workflow editor provides an ability to change values across all selected items in a workflow, singly or multiply.
Stop editingCeases the current bulk editing mode.

Copy menu

Click the COPY menu to access all copy commands.

Copy menu items

Copy selected rowsCopy the selected rows and column headings to the clipboard in a format suitable for pasting into a spreadsheet. Only visible columns will be included.
Copy selected PIDsCopy the Property IDs for all selected rows.
Copy selected workflow IDsCopy the unique workflow IDs for all selected rows.
Copy all rowsCopy all rows and column headings to the clipboard in a format suitable for pasting into a spreadsheet. Only visible columns will be included.
Copy all PIDsCopy the Property IDs for all rows that are not hidden.
Copy all workflow IDsCopy the unique workflow IDs for all rows that are not hidden.

Copied IDs can be pasted directly into any search field that takes IDs of the corresponding type.

View menu

Click the VIEW menu to access all view commands.

View menu items

No groupingRemove any grouping and show all the items in the search result set.
Group by valuerShow a list of valuers (and ** UNASSIGNED) on the left, and only display supps assigned to the selected valuer in the results table.
Group by districtShow a list of districts on the left, and only display supps from the selected district in the results table.

Action menu

Click the Action Action menu to show a list of operations that you can apply to the selected rows.

Action menu items

SuppsOpens the Supps submenu.
ValuesOpens the Values submenu.
WorksheetsOpens the Worksheets submenu.
Reset current column profile…Removes any grid customisation, returning the grid to factory defaults.
Save column profile as…Saves the current column profile using the name that you enter.
Manage column profilesAllows you to switch between, create new, and remove column profiles.
Column profilesAllows you to switch between column profiles.

Default is the column profile that the grid defaulted to, not the factory default that you get by resetting the current column profile.

Supps submenu

Supps submenu items

Create property detail reportGenerate and download the Property detail report, with selected properties included.
Create valuation summary reportGenerate and download the Valuation summary report, with selected properties included.
Assign valuerSelect a valuer from a dropdown list and assign the valuer to the selected supps.
Set zone / componentSelect a component (and implicitly a zone) from a dropdown list and apply this to the selected supps.
Set supp stageSelect a supp stage from a dropdown list and apply this to the selected supps.
Run workflow integrity checks

This command runs the workflow integrity checks for each workflow represented by the selected supps. The results of the checks are presented in a popup.

You can click the workflow ID to open a new tab with supp search results containing all supps in the workflow; you can click a PID to open a supp editor for the corresponding supp in a new tab.

If all items pass the checks, the system will immediately close the popup and show a green success message at the bottom of the page.

Mark workflows as ready to send

This command will attempt to mark all workflows represented by the selected supps as ready to send. If any of the integrity checks fail, the system will open a popup containing a list of the integrity check failures.

You can acknowledge the errors presented and click the button to try again. Once all errors are either resolved or acknowledged, the supp can be marked as ready to send. You can then export supp from the Data transfer | Export data page.

Add property tagsAdd tags to the selected properties. The system will allow you to select existing tags or add new tags in a popup.
Remove property tagsSimilar but opposite to adding tags as described above. You'll see the same popup, but in this case, you're nominating the tags to remove from the selected properties.
New provisional sale(s)The system will create provisional sales for the selected properties, and open a Sales search results page show the new sales in a new browser tab. These sales will have dealings that start with "ZZ", and the sale source will be "USER".
Delete selected suppsThe system will show a confirmation popup and then upon your acknowledgement proceed to delete the selected supps.
In order to delete a supp, it must be marked as having been sent to VNSW and either have a PX supp code or a valuer comment.
Purge suppsThe system will show a confirmation popup with the workflow IDs and the number of supps per workflow. You must click the Purge button to continue. The system will then show a second confirmation popup and you must click the Purge button a second time. The system will purge the supps but you must refresh your search results in order to see the changes.

Values submenu

Values submenu items

Apply rate/area to make valuesThis will calculate the land value based on the rate you provide and the area of individual properties. You can provide rates for the LT and future years, and the system will multiply the area by the given rate to determine the value for the corresponding year.

Worksheets submenu

Worksheets submenu items

Set worksheet stageThis command allows you to set the worksheet stage for the selected properties. The worksheet stage list will be presented in the same order as the arrangement in Reference items
Make worksheet calcs from areas and values

This command allows you to create worksheet calculations for the selected properties.

You can replace "Land area" with any text you deem appropriate. Alternatively, you can tick the box to indicate to the system that it should use the description from the worksheet's land use code instead.

Without changing any of the options, the system will make a calculation line by dividing the nominated land value by the land area, and making that calculation the only calculation line in the worksheet's main calculation table. If there is already a calculation line there, by default, the system won't replace it.
There are a few options available to you. You can choose to have the system make the calculation based on the existing worksheet FSR, or the worksheet's 6A(1) (permissible) FSR instead of the area.
If you choose to apportion over the existing calculations, the system will alter the existing calculation rates so that the total values in the table retain their proportions, but add up to the nominated value.
If you choose to replace the existing calculations, the system will delete the existing calculations and then proceed as if previous calculations never existed.
Make worksheet calcs from block values

This command allows you to create worksheet calculations for the selected properties specifying only the total block value.

You can replace "Block value" with any text you deem appropriate. Alternatively, you can tick the box to indicate to the system that it should use the description from the worksheet's land use code instead.
Without changing any of the options, the system will make a calculation line by setting the description to the given text and copying the block value to the value column, and making that calculation the only calculation line in the worksheet's main calculation table. If there is already a calculation line there, by default, the system won't replace it.

If you choose to replace the existing calculations, the system will delete the existing calculations and then proceed as if previous calculations never existed.

Apply factors to calculation rows

This command allows you to updateworksheet calculations for the selected properties by specifying a factor to be applied to worksheet calculations with the nominated descriptions.

You can tick individual items in the list, and the factor will only be applied to rows with that description. If you tick the top box next to the word Description, then all descriptions will be either ticked or unticked to reflect the value in the top box.

The list is populated with all of the worksheet calculation descriptions associated with the selected properties. Note that it would be of value to keep descriptions consistent.

Run worksheet integrity checks

This command will run the worksheet integrity checks against the worksheet for the selected properties using values from a nominated year. This is a two step process where you select the year, and then review the results of running the integrity checks.

Select either the LT or future year as the nominate year's values. The system will then run the checks and present a list of the integrity check errors.

You can click any of the PIDs listed to open the property editor in a new tab.

Attach worksheet PDFsThis command allows you to have worksheet PDFs associated with the selected properties. The system will show you a popup asking you to nominate the values you want to use to generate the PDF.
Export selected worksheet PDF(s)This command allows you to export the worksheet information for the selected properties as one or more PDF(s).
Export selected worksheet dataThis command allows you to export the worksheet information for the selected properties as one or more CSV files. The information will be gathered into a zip file and made available in your Data transfer | Exports table.

The information included in the zip file will vary based on your selection for Contractor | Options | Worksheets | Which attachments to display on worksheet page and include in bulk exports.

Associate properties with a worksheetThis command allows you to add comparable properties to the selected worksheets in bulk.
Associate sales with a worksheetThis command allows you to add comparable sales to the selected worksheets in bulk. You can specify the IDs of sales and/or analyses to be added.
Replace current worksheet sales

Similar to the command above, this command allows you to add comparable sales to the selected worksheets in bulk. Where the above command will add sales and/or analyses to the existing list, this command will clear the list of comparable sales out first.

This command also allows you to specify that for benchmark properties, the comparable sales from the benchmark's Component report page will be used instead of those entered into the popup.


For more information about managing search result columns, See Column management.

Supp Search results

Supp search results index items

SuppNumberThe supp IdNo
PIDNumberThe property IDNo
WorkflowNumberDisplays the workflow Id.No
Supp codeTextDisplays the Supp code.No
DistrictDropdownDisplays the property's district.No
NameTextThe property's name (if any).No
H/NNumberDisplays the property's house number.No
StreetTextDisplays the property's street name.No
SuburbDropdownDisplays the property's suburb name.No
OwnersTextCurrent owners.No
AreaNumberTotal area in ha or m2.Yes
DimensionsNumberProperty boundary dimensions including frontage, back, boundary 1 and boundary 2 if available.Yes
FrontageNumberDisplays the frontage in metres.Yes
ZoneDropdownDisplays the property zoning.Yes
CompTextDisplays the component code.Yes
DescriptionTextDisplays the property's legal description incorporating all lots and plans.Yes
PlansNumberDisplays a list of the plan numbers associated with the property.No
NLPL descTextDisplays the property's non-lot plan land description.Yes
App. parentNumberDisplays the apportionment parent number.No
Land taxYes/NoFlag to indicate if the property is land tax liable.No
HeritageTextDisplays the state heritage listing number if applicable.No
StrataYes/NoFlag to indicate if the property is a strata property.No
ValuerDropdownDisplays the valuers name.Yes
DaysNumberDisplays the number of days left to complete the supp.No
ImportedDateDisplays the date when property was imported.No
DueDateDisplays the date when the supp is due.No
StatusTextDisplays the current status of the supp.Yes
UrgentYes/NoDisplays whether the supp is urgent or not.No
VNSW commentTextDisplays any comments made to the workflow.No
Valuer commentTextDisplays the valuers comments.Yes
ExportedDateDisplays when the supp was exported.No
LT authDropdownDisplays the LT authority code.Yes
LT basisDropdownDisplays the LT valuation bases.Yes
LT DVMDateDisplays the LT valuation date.Yes
LT valueNumberDisplays the LT land value.Yes
LT correctedNumberDisplays the corrected LT value.Yes
LT rating factorNumberDisplays the LT rating factor (unused).Yes
LT heritageNumberDisplays the LT heritage value.Yes
LT MDAFNumberDisplays the LT MDAF value.Yes
LT MUAFNumberDisplays the LT MUAF value.Yes
LT stratumNumberDisplays the LT stratum value.Yes
LT onsiteNumberDisplays the LT onsite value.Yes
LT offsiteNumberDisplays the LT offsite value.Yes
LT subdivNumberDisplays the LT subdivision value.Yes
LT unutilNumberDisplays the LT unutilised value.Yes
LT attr. partNumberDisplays the LT attributable part value.Yes
LT coalNumberDisplays the LT coal value.Yes
LT ver methDropdownDisplays the LT verification method.Yes
LT ver dateDateDisplays the LT date of verification.Yes
LT RRatingDropdownDisplays the LT risk rating.Yes
LT RCodeDropdownDisplays the LT risk code.Yes
LT RDateDateDisplays the date the LT risk rating was applied.Yes
LG authDropdownDisplays the LG authority code.Yes
LG basisDropdownDisplays the LG valuation basis.Yes
LG DVMDateDisplays the LG valuation date.Yes
LG valueNumberDisplays the LG land value.Yes
LG heritageTextDisplays the LG heritage value.Yes
LG MDAFNumberDisplays the LG MDAF value.Yes
LG MUAFNumberDisplays the LG MUAF value.Yes
LG stratumNumberDisplays the LG stratum value.Yes
LG onsiteNumberDisplays the LG onsite value.Yes
LG offsiteNumberDisplays the LG offsite value.Yes
LG subdivNumberDisplays the LG subdivision value.Yes
LG unutilNumberDisplays the LG unutilised value.Yes
LG attr.partNumberDisplays the LG attributable part value.Yes
LG coalNumberDisplays the value of the LG coal value.Yes
LG ver methDropdownDisplays the LG verification method.Yes
LG ver dateDateDisplays the LG verification date.Yes
LG RRatingDropdownDisplays the LG risk rating.Yes
LG RCodeDropdownDisplays the LG risk rating code.Yes
LG RDateDateDisplays the date the risk rating was applied.Yes
New authTextDisplays the future authority code.Yes
New basisTextDisplays the future valuation basis.Yes
New DVMDateDisplays the future valuation date.Yes
New valueNumberDisplays the future value.Yes
New heritageTextDisplays the future heritage value.Yes
New MDAFNumberDisplays the future MDAF value.Yes
New MUAFNumberDisplays the future MUAF value.Yes
New stratumNumberDisplays the future stratum value.Yes
New onsiteNumberDisplays the future onsite value.Yes
New offsiteNumberDisplays the future offsite value.Yes
New subdivNumberDisplays the future subdivision value.Yes
New unutilNumberDisplays the future unutilised value.Yes
New attr. partNumberDisplays the future attributable part value.Yes
New coalNumberDisplays the future coal value.Yes
New ver methDropdownDisplays the future verification method.Yes
New ver dateDateDisplays the future verification date.Yes
New RRatingDropdownDisplays the future risk rating value.Yes
New RCodeDropdownDisplays the future risk rating code.Yes
New RDateDateDisplays the date the future risk rating was applied.Yes
BM typeDropdownDisplays the most recent value's benchmark type.Yes
Has land descYes/NoFlag to indicate if property has a property description.No
Has int. noteYes/NoFlag to indicate if property has internal notes.No
Map refTextDisplays the map reference.No
Has DAToggleIndicates whether the "Has DA" value in the Contractor info panel is set.Yes
Has W/SYes/NoFlag to indicate if the property has a worksheet attached."Yes" if there is a worksheet PDF for the future year or exported since September 1 of the LT year; or there is a worksheet snapshot created or updated since September 1 of the LT year.No
For saleToggleIndicates whether the "For sale" value in the Contractor info panel is set.Yes
Has saleNumberDisplays the number of sales for the property.No
Has photoTickboxIndicates whether the "Has photo" value in the Contractor info panel is set.Yes
Last ver methodDropdownDisplays the most recent verification method.Yes
Last ver dateDateDisplays the most recent date the property was verified.No
Last RRatingNumberDisplays the most recent risk rating.Yes
Last RCodeTextDisplays the most recent risk code.yes
Last RDateDateDisplays the date of the last risk rating.Yes
Prior LGVNumberDisplays the prior LG value.No
Prior LG baseDateDisplays the prior LG base date.No
(LT - 1) LVNumberDisplays the LV for the year prior to the current LT year.Yes
(LT - 2) LVNumberDisplays the LV for the year two years prior to the current LT year.Yes
Area (m2)NumberDisplays the property area in metres2.No
Area (ha)NumberDisplays the property area in hectares.Area (m2) ÷ 10000No
LG $/m2NumberDisplays the LG value per m2.LG value ÷ area (m2)No
LT $/m2NumberDisplays the LT value per m2.LT value ÷ area (m2)No
New $/m2NumberDisplays the future value per m2.Future value ÷ area (m2)No
LG $/haNumberDisplays LG value per hectare.LG value ÷ area (ha)No
LT $/haNumberDisplays LT value per hectare.LT value ÷ area (ha)No
New $/haNumberDisplays the future value per hectare.Future value ÷ area (ha)Yes
ENCLPRMTNumberDisplays the area of the ENCLPRMT associated with the property.No
Last S/CTextDisplays the property's most recent sale code.No
AnalysesDatesDisplays the years when property was analysed.No
Last anlyTextDisplays the a summary of the most recent analysis for the property.Market indicator: M
Out of line: o
Not suitable: n;
analysis base year; adjusted LV ('000)
W/S land useDropdownDisplays the worksheet land use code.Yes
W/S stageDropdownDisplays worksheet stage.Yes
Rel groupTextDisplays the name(s) of any related property groups.Yes
Land descTextDisplays the land description.Yes
Internal noteTextDisplays the property's internal notes.Yes
Other infoTextDisplays the worksheet's other information text.Yes
Licence/LeaseTextDisplays the worksheet's licence / lease information.Yes
ImprovementsTextDisplays the worksheet's improvments information.Yes
H&B - existingTextDisplays the worksheet's H&B - existing information.Yes
H&B - permissibleTextDisplays the worksheet's H&B - permissible information.Yes
ZoningTextDisplays the worksheet's zoning information.Yes
FSRTextDisplays the worksheet's floorspace ratio information.Yes
HeritageTextDisplays the the worksheet's heritage information.Yes
EnvironmentTextDisplays the the worksheet's enviromental constraits information.Yes
RationaleTextDisplays the the worksheet's valuation rationale.Yes
CalcsTextDisplays the worksheet's calculations information.Yes
Lease typesTextDisplays the lease type for the property.Yes
LT BM typeTextDisplays the LT benchmark type.No
New BM typeTextDisplays the future benchmark type.No
Last W/SDateDisplays the year of the last worksheet.No
W/S valuerTextDisplays the the worksheet valuer's name.Yes
Main calc totalNumberDisplays the worksheet's calculations total.Sum(main worksheet calculation values)Yes
FSR ratioNumberDisplays the worksheet floor space ratio.Yes
FSR 6A(1) ratioNumberDisplays the worksheet 6A(1) floor space ratio.Yes
Bldg heightNumberDisplays the worksheet building height.Yes
UnitsNumberDisplays the worksheet's number of units.Yes
GFANumberDisplays the gross floor area (GFA).Worksheet's actual FSR × area (m2)No
FSA rateNumberDisplays the FSA rate.LT corrected LV ÷ GFA if there is an LT corrected LV; otherwise LT LV ÷ GFANo
GFA-6A(1)NumberDisplays the 6A(1) GFA.Worksheet's 6A(1) FSR × area (m2)No
FSA rate-6A(1)NumberDisplays the 6A(1) FSA rateLT corrected LV ÷ 6A(1) GFA if there is an LT corrected LV; otherwise LT LV ÷ 6A(1) GFANo
W/S impr’dToggleDisplays the worksheet's improved flag.Yes
W/S MDAFTextDisplays the worksheet MDAF rationale.Yes
W/S MUAFTextDisplays the worksheet MUAF rationale.Yes
W/S stratumTextDisplays the worksheet stratum rationale.Yes
W/S onsiteTextDisplays the worksheet onsite rationale.Yes
W/S offsiteTextDisplays the worksheet offsite rationale.Yes
W/S subdivTextDisplays the worksheet subdividers rationale.Yes
W/S coalTextDisplays the worksheet coal rationale.Yes
W/S calc descTextDisplays the worksheet _calculations) information.No
ExceptionsTextDisplays the valuation rationale exceptions.Yes
Alt calc totalNumberDisplays the alternate calulations total.Sum(alternate worksheet calculation values)Yes
TagsDropdownDisplays any associated tags.Yes
LT quartileNumberDisplays the LT LV's quartile.No
FU quartileNumberDisplays the FU LV's quartile.No
Img attYes/NoFlag to indicate if property has an image attached (use this instead of "Has photo").No
Review stageDropdownDisplays the review stage for the property.Yes
Last contractDateDisplays the property's most recent contract date.No
Last priceNumberDisplays the property's most recent sale price.No
W/S calc land useTextDisplays the worksheet calculations land use (attribute).No