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Analysis search results

This page lists the results of a search based on criteria that you have specified.

Command buttons

Search result command buttons

Refine search Refine searchClick this button to show the current search criteria in a full search. You can right-click (or mouse-wheel click) to edit the search criteria in a new tab.
Refresh RefreshRerun the search using the same search criteria. The system will remember the last state of your table, including column positioning, filters, sort and grouping preferences.
SELECTOpens the SELECT menu. See Select menu.
EDITOpens the EDIT menu. See Edit menu.
CSVExports selected rows to a CSV file format. When no rows are selected, exports all visible rows to the CSV file format. The CSV file will download to your browser’s Downloads folder.
COPYOpens the COPY menu. See Copy menu.
ValMap ValMapOpens the selected properties in ValMap.
ValMap portal ValMap portalOpens the selected properties in VNSW’s online ValMap portal.
MVOW mapping MVOW mappingOpens the selected properties in an MVOW mapping tab.
Google Maps Google Maps optionsOpens a drop-down menu allowing you to:
  • plot up to ten locations on a Google Map using View in Google Maps View in Google Maps, or
  • plan an optimal route from a starting location and nine other property locations using Route planning Route planning.
Favourite FavouriteAdd the current search criteria to your Favourite tab.
Action ActionOpens the Action Action menu. See Action menu.

Select menu

Click the SELECT menu to access selection commands.

Select menu items

All rows (Alt + A)Select all rows that have not been hidden.


To include the hidden rows in the selection, unhide the hidden ones first.

No rowsDeselect all rows.
Invert selectionDeselect all selected rows while selecting all unselected rows that have not been hidden.
Open selected itemsOpen up to 20 of the selected items in their own tabs.
Hide selected rowsTemporarily removes selected items from the search results.


This does not delete the items, nor does it change the search criteria.

Hide non-selected rowsTemporarily removes non-selected items from the search results.


This does not delete the items, nor does it change the search criteria.

Show hidden rowsUnhides any row that is currently hidden.

Edit menu

Click the EDIT menu to access selection commands.

With bulk editorEnters a analysis-oriented bulk editing mode. The bulk analysis editor provides an ability to change values across all selected items.
Stop editingCeases the current bulk editing mode.

Copy menu

Click the COPY menu to access all copy commands.

Copy menu items

Copy selected rowsCopy the selected rows and column headings to the clipboard in a format suitable for pasting into a spreadsheet. Only visible columns will be included.
Copy selected PIDsCopy the Property IDs for all selected rows.
Copy selected SIDsCopy the sale IDs for all selected rows.
Copy selected AIDsCopy the analysis IDs for all selected rows.
Copy all rowsCopy all rows and column headings to the clipboard in a format suitable for pasting into a spreadsheet. Only visible columns will be included.
Copy all PIDsCopy the Property IDs for all rows that are not hidden.
Copy all SIDsCopy the sale IDs for all rows that are not hidden.
Copy all AIDsCopy the analysis IDs for all rows that are not hidden.

Copied IDs can be pasted directly into any search field that takes IDs of the corresponding type.

Action menu

Click the Action Action menu to show a list of operations that you can apply to the selected rows.

Action menu items

ReportsOpens the Reports submenu.
Set attachment tickboxes…Sets and/or clears attachment tick boxes in bulk. This is useful if you're going to export analyses in zip files and there are files you explicitly want or don't want to include in the export.
Attach reports to selected analyses…After confirmation, the system will generate and attach detailed sale reports to each of the selected analyses.
Export selected analyses…Export the selected analyses into a collection of zip files that are no greater than 15,000,000 bytes. They will be available for download from the Data transfer | Export data menu item page.
Run market data integrity checks…When you export market data files, the exporter runs integrity checks that mirror as much of the VALNET checks as we can. However, before you run the export, you might want to run the integrity checks for the selected items so that you deal with them before exporting.
Reset export state…If you confirm, the system will untick any AID_yyyymmdd.pdf attachments, and untick the exportable and exported tick boxes on the selected sales.
Apply market movement to selected analyses…Shows a popup where you can enter a percentage as a market movement, along with a description of the movement. This is then applied to each selected analysis.
Analyse selected to year…Shows a popup where you can choose the year to which you want to reanalyse the selected analyses.
Set analysis stageThis allows you to select an analysis stage to be applied to multiple analyses at once.
Reset current column profile…Removes any grid customisation, returning the grid to factory defaults.
Save column profile as…Saves the current column profile using the name that you enter.
Manage column profilesAllows you to switch between, create new, and remove column profiles.
Column profilesAllows you to switch between column profiles.

Default is the column profile that the grid defaulted to, not the factory default that you get by resetting the current column profile.

Reports submenu

Reports submenu items

Generate sales summaryGenerates and downloads the sales summary report for the selected items.
Generate sales factor summaryGenerates and downloads the sales factor summary report for the selected items.
Generate sales detail reportGenerates and downloads the sales detail report for the selected items.

Analysis search results

Analysis search results index items

AIDNumberThe analysis ID
SIDNumberThe sale ID
PIDNumberThe property ID
DealingTextDisplays the analysis dealing number.
DistrictDropdownDisplays the property's district.
NameTextDisplays the property's name (if any).
H/NNumberDisplays the property's house number.
StreetTextDisplays the property's street name.
SuburbDropdownDisplays the property's suburb name.
P/CNumberDisplays the property's postcode.
AreaNumberTotal area in ha or m2.
ContractDateDisplays the contract date.
SettledDateDisplays the settlement date.
PriceNumberDisplays the sale price.
ZoneDropdownDisplays the property zone code.
CompTextDisplays the component code.
NatureDropdownDisplays the property nature.
PurposeDropdownDisplays the primary purpose.
Strata lotNumberDisplays the strata lot number (if any).
CodeDropdownDisplays the sale code.
Legal descTextDisplays the property's legal description.
InterestNumberDisplays the sale interest.
SourceDropdownDisplays the analysis source.One of LPI (VNSW), OSR or USER
VendorsTextDisplays the name(s) of the vendor(s).
PurchasersTextDisplays the name(s) of the purchaser(s).
Prev LGVNumberDisplays the previous LG value.
Prev LTVNumberDisplays the previous LT value.
Analysed LVNumberDisplays the LV at the contract date.
Adjusted LVNumberDisplays the LV adjusted to the base date.
Multi/partialTickboxFlag to indicate if the sale is a multi- or partial-property sale.
Assessed LVNumberDisplays the assessed LV value for the property (only applicable to multi-PID sales).
Has DATickboxFlag to indicate if the property has development application.
GST paidTickboxFlag to indicate if the GST has been paid.
DimensionsNumberProperty boundary dimensions including frontage, back, boundary 1 and boundary 2.
Analysis unitsNumberDisplays the number of analysis units.
Analysis unit typeNumberDisplays the analysis unit type.
Total imprNumberDisplays the total value of the improvements.
Total adjNumberDisplays the total value of adjustments.
Total mkt moveNumberDisplays the total market movement.
Env ConstrTickboxFlag to indicate if property has enviromental constrants.
Sale SummaryTextDisplays the sale summary for the property.
InspectedDateDisplays the date the property was inspected.
AnalysedDateDisplays the date the sale was analysed.
TypeDropdownDisplays the property type.
Map refTextDisplays the map reference.
ValuerDropdownDisplays the valuer's name.
Mkt indTickboxFlag to indicate if property is a market indicator.
OolTickboxFlag to indicate if property is out of line.
ExportedTickboxFlag to indicate if the analysis has been exported.
Can exportTickboxFlag to indicate if the analysis can be exported.
Export dateDateDisplays the date the analysis was exported.
Base yearDateDisplays the analysis base year.
Internal notesTextDisplays the analysis internal notes.
InternalTickboxFlag to indicate if analysis was internal.
FactorNumberDisplays the adjusted factor for the analysis.Adjusted LV ÷ LV at prior LT BD
An $/m2NumberDisplays the analysed LV per m2.Analysed LV ÷ area (m2)
Adj $/m2NumberDisplays the adjusted LV per m2.Adjusted LV ÷ area (m2)
An $/haNumberDisplays the analysed land classification value per hectare.Analysed LV ÷ area (ha)
Adj $/haNumberDisplays the adjusted analysed land classification value per hectare.Adjusted LV ÷ area (ha)
Area (m2)NumberDisplays the analysed property area in metres2.
Area (ha)NumberDisplays the analysed property area in hectares.
An factorNumberDisplays the factor for the analysed value.Analysed LV ÷ adjusted LV
New factorNumberDisplays a new factor value.Adjusted LV ÷ assessed future LV if this is a multi-PID sale; otherwise adjusted LV ÷ future LV
(LT year) LVNumberDisplays the LV value for the LT year previous.
(Future year) LVNumberDisplays the LV value for the current LT year.
StageDropdownDisplays the analysis stage.
ImportedDateDisplays the date when sale was imported.
UnsuitableTickboxFlag to indicate if the sale is suitable for analysis.
Move descriptionTextDescription of market movement.
Move (%)NumberMarket movement (% of analysed LV).
Settle daysNumberThe number of days between contract and settlement.
Price $/m2NumberDisplays the property price per m2.Price ÷ area (m2)
(LT year) LV $/m2NumberDisplays the previous LV price per m2.LT LV ÷ area (m2)
(Future year) LV $/m2NumberDisplays the current LV price per mtre2.Future LV ÷ area (m2)
PPYes/NoFlag to indicate if sale is a low price.Yes, if all of the following are true:
  • the sale is non-strata
  • the contract date is within the last two years
  • the price is less than the future LV
  • the price is less than the LT LV.
LIYes/NoFlag to indicate if this is a lightly improved sale.Yes, if all of the following are true:
  • the contract date is on or after the current LT base date
  • price ÷ LT LV >= 0.8
  • price ÷ LT LV <= 1.2.
PP/LVNumberDisplays the factor between purchase price and land value.Price ÷ LT LV
MI constructionDropdownDisplays the main improvement construction type.
MI roofDropdownDisplays the main improvement roof type.
MI ageDropdownDisplays the main improvement age.
MI conditionDropdownDisplays the main improvement condition.
MI valueNumberDisplays the added value of the main improvement.
MI sizeNumberDisplays the main improvement area.
MI rateNumberDisplays the main improvement rate.MI value ÷ MI area
SupervisorDropdownDisplays the supervising valuer's name.
Land use codeDropdownDisplays the land use code.
Zone catTextDisplays the zone category.
FrontageNumberDisplays the frontage.
PlansNumberDisplays a list of the plan numbers associated with the property.
Linked BMsNumberDisplays the linked benchmark PIDs.
LT quartileNumberDisplays the LT LV's quartile.
FU quartileNumberDisplays the FU LV's quartile.
Rpt PDFYes/NoFlag to indicate whether the analysis has an attachment that looks like 9999_YYYYMMDD.pdf where "9999" is the analysis ID.
LT VNSW factorNumberDisplays the LT factor for VNSW.LT LV ÷ (LT year - 1) LV
Impr as %prNumberDisplays the MI value as a percentage of the price.Total improvements ÷ price × 100
Ru. land cl.TextDisplays the rural land classification.
RU. cl areaTextDisplays the area from the rural land classification.
VPRNumberDisplays the value price ratio.Assessed future value ÷ adjusted LV if a multi-PID sale, otherwise future LV ÷ adjusted LV
Gr rent/m2NumberDisplays the gross rent per m2.Gross rental area ÷ area (m2)
Net YieldNumberDisplays the Net yield.
Price $/haNumberDisplays the price per hectare.Price ÷ area (ha)
Img attYes/NoFlag to indicate if property has an image attached.
LT basisTextThe valuation basis for the property's LT base year value.
FU basisTextThe valuation basis for the property's future base year value.
FSA (actual)TextThe floor space area based on the actual FSR.Area (m2) × FSR
FSA (permitted)TextThe floor space area based on the permitted (6A(1)) FSR.Area (m2) × FSR (6A(1))
ALV / VGLTVNumberThis is the ratio of the analysed land value to the LT land value that the VG knows about. Be careful with this number ... it doesn't take multi-PID sales.Adjusted LV ÷ LT land value
Last updDateThis is the date of the last significant update.
Upd after expYes/NoWill be "Yes" if the last significant update is subsequent to the export date.