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Unified AVA

Please see Annual values / VAR for details about the checks run on this page.

This page is similar to the other page, except for the following:

  1. All of the checks are shown on the one page and you can scroll up and down to visit each check.
  2. None of the checks will be recalculated unless you explicitly make the request by clicking the Refresh Refresh button to refresh a single check; or the Run all checks button.
  3. You can get a PDF containing all checks listed one after the other by clicking the PDF all button.
  4. You can get an XLSX workbook containing all checks on their own tabs by clicking the XLSX all button.
  5. You can hide the table contents by clicking the toggle table visibility toggle table visibility button.

If you hide the contents of large tables you're not working with, you'll vastly speed up the comment editing process.

If a table has more than 100 items, you're going to see a performance improvement by hiding its contents.

If a table has more than 5,000 items, you won't be able to show the table. The system will tell you that there are too many items, and suggest you use the original AVA page.

  1. You can set the note text for all items in a section by clicking the Magic wand Magic wand button. The system will open a popup into which you can type the new text. Optionally, you can choose to have your text applied only to items that don't already have note text. If you leave the note text blank, the system will clear the notes for the items (it makes no sense to tick the Only apply to items without an existing note in this case). The system will ask you to confirm this action.

This may take a very long time. Please wait until the popup has closed itself before navigating away from this page.

  1. You can edit the summary exception text for each check by clicking the Summary Summary button. This will carry these comments across to the VAT exceptions page when you import the file generated by the VG.
  2. You can click on any of the checks' headings to scroll directly to the check.
  3. You can't edit the comments directly on the page. Instead, you can click the Edit Edit icon to open a popup to edit the comments for a check; or you can double-click on any comment field to open the edit popup and automatically start editing the item.

This rather roundabout way of doing things is what allows you to have all of the checks visible on the one page at once. If the editing were to be enabled on the page, it would take too long to load and the editing process would be even slower.

  1. You can easily add the previous year's summary text to the current year's by clicking the History History button. This will open a popup showing you the previous summary.

You can then add this to the summary by clicking the button Add to summary.