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Verify risks (Contract)

This page displays verification by risk rating within contract regions. You will only see the regions associated with your login. Each tab will have the combined verifications by risk rating for all districts in that contract area.

For each risk rating, there is a list of risk codes. For each risk code you can see the number of properties with that risk code, and one or more groups of counters. Each group will contain the following:

  • The number of properties verified since the date in the group header.
  • The number of properties verified as a percentage of the total number of properties with that risk code.

For risk rating 1, only the verifications since Nov 1 of the current base year is shown.

For risk rating 2, three years of verifications are shown, as well as a total column for the three years.

For risk rating 3, six years of verifications are shown, as well as a total column for the six years.

There is a CSV button at the top of the page which when pressed, will download a CSV file with the verifications for all risk ratings for the last six years.

Note that this page and the associated CSV file only show the most recent verification date for any property. So if a property was verified as 1-ANLYSALE on Feb 2, 2013, and subsequently verified as 2-LVBASIS on Oct 14, 2014, it would only show up in the Since 01-11-2013 column in the 2-LVBASIS row.



At present, the numbers in the two most recent year columns can change substantially when you roll over to a new LT year. The reason for this is explained below.

The annual values file contains verification information for properties, including verifications for all properties that have a verification date after November 1 of the LT year. This will include all properties verified in the future year, as well as a collection of properties that were verified in the LT year, if they were verified after November 1. Because of this, all of these verifications are counted toward the future year total, regardless of the base year.

When you roll over to the new year, the future year becomes the LT year, and the verifications that were counted in the future year now drop back into the year before what is now the LT year.

Here's an example:

Future year = 2018, LT year = 2017

PIDValue base yearVerification dateCounted in
1201701-08-20172017 (LT)
2201701-12-20172018 (FUT)
3201801-09-20182018 (FUT)

And after rolling over:

Future year = 2019, LT year = 2018

PIDValue base yearVerification dateCounted in
1201701-08-20172017 (LT)
3201801-09-20182018 (FUT)

Note that PID 2 has moved from being counted in 2018 to being counted in 2017.



It is possible to have verifications miss out on being sent to VNSW. If you want to do this (you really don't), you should verify properties between when you send your annual values to VNSW and the following November 1.

How does this work? When you export annual values, you include all verifications that were applied to the future value, and those that were applied to the LT value after November 1 of the LT year.

So let's say that you export your annual values on September 1, 2018. This will include verifications for all 2018 values and 2017 values that have verification dates after November 1, 2017.

The following year, you will go through the same process, but this time, the annual values file will include all verifications applied to the future year (2019) and all verifications applied to the LT year (2018) that took place after November 1, 2018. It won't include any verifications applied to the LT that have verification dates between September 1 and October 31 of 2018.

This is mandated by VNSW in their integrity checks.