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Annual values audit / VAR

The annual values audit / VAR is a dynamic sort of report. As near as we can make it, it mirrors the annual values audit from the VG, but this version allows you keep notes on what's causing problems.

You can select the district and the base date, and then the test. This page will only show a single test at a time, and it will be refreshed every time you view the test.

The Notes column works as a spreadsheet, and you copy and paste between cells, and fill up and down.

Where a PID shows up in a column, and the property has some text in the Valuation rationale / exceptions panel (on the Property update page), there will be an Information (i) button. If you click it, you will see a popup containing the text from the Valuation rationale / exceptions panel, and a button that will allow you to add this text to the note.

If any row has information available in last year's AVA, there will be a History History icon in the Hist column. If you click this icon, you will see a popup containing the text from last year's AVA, and a button that will allow you to add this text to the note.

The sections in the report are as laid out in the table below, and for each section there is a question to be asked. The number (or numbers) in parentheses in the Section column show the corresponding error number in the VAT exception listing.

Zone: COAVC (300)Is the variation of analysed sale properties compared to other properties less than or equal to 5 per cent?
Zone: COD (301, 302)Do all zones comply with COD requirements of A, Z < 10 and B, C, D, M, T, I, R < 15?
Zone: MVP (303)Is the MVP between 90% and 100% for zones (and categories) A, B, C, D, M, T, I, R, Z?
Zone: PRD (304)Is the PRD between 0.98 and 1.03 for zones (and categories) A, B, C, D, M, T, I, R, Z?
Comp: AVM fact (305)Is the median factor derived from sale properties in a component within 10 per cent of the component factor?
Comp: BM ex (prim) (306)Is the primary benchmark within 5% of the median value for each component?
Comp: BM ex (prim consec) (307)Is the primary benchmark within 5% of the median value over consecutive years?
Comp: BM ex (ref) (308)Do the number of reference benchmarks comply with specifications?
Comp: act fact var (309)Do all components have a calculated factor within a 20% range of the component factor?
Comp: sale activity (310)Have sufficient sales been analysed in accordance with Procedures Manual requirements?
Comp: QRP (311)Do all components have a QRP less than or equal to 50 on either land value quantum or rate per area?
Prop: sale count (312)Do all benchmark properties have a minimum of 3 sales linked to the valuation of the property?
Prop: BM fact (prim) (313)Does the primary benchmark factor (that is the variation from the benchmark prior value to current value) equal the component factor?
Prop: BM fact (ref) (314)Are all reference benchmark factors within 10% of the Component Factor?
Prop: act fact var (315)Do all properties have a calculated factor within a 40% range of the component factor?
Prop: low val (316)Are all land values below $10 acceptable?
Prop: land val rat (317)Are all land values with a factor of < 0.5 and > 2 acceptable, and risk rated at 1?
Prop: sale rat comp (318)Are all market analyses with an LV / Adj LV ratio outside of 0.85 - 1 acceptable?
Prop: prior obj (319)Are all properties with a 35B or 40 authority code, an OB or CV supp since 01-Jul-[ltyear] and a variance > 5% acceptable?
Prop: repeat obj (320)Are all properties with repeat objections and a variance > 5% acceptable?
Prop: reasc (321)Are all properties with a 14A(6) authority code, an OB or CV supp since 01-Jul-[ltyear] and a variance > 5% acceptable?
Other: sig comp move (322)Do all components with a component factor less than 0.70 or greater than 1.30 have adequate explanation provided in component comments to address reasons for the value movement?
Other: light impr (323)Have all sales with a purchase price within 20% of the LT or future land value been analysed?
Other: sale quart (324)Have sales been analysed across all quartiles of all components where available?
Other: LV > PP (325)Do all sale properties have a land value less than the sale price where the property has contracted for sale between 01-Sep-[ltyear] and 15-Oct-[fuyear]?
Other: conc comp (326)Have all concessions been applied from one year to the next?
Other: high val (328)Do all high value properties have a risk rating of at least 1-HIGHVALU?
Other: sig val move (329)Have all significant value movements in the district been adequately discussed and minuted at the District Valuer Monthly Meetings?
Other: GVal (331)Are all land values with a factor between LG years outside of the factor range acceptable? You can click the Settings Settings icon in the panel heading to configure the factor range.
Other: MI ranges (353)Do all analyses with a main improvement have a corresponding improvement schedule range?
Other: MI rates (354)Do all analyses with a main improvement have a rate that falls within the improvement schedule range?

Where the answer to the question is No, the system will show a list of the zones, components or properties that fail the test. Each row will have a cell at the end where you can type your explanation of what's amiss. This will be able to be printed in a PDF document for inclusion as part of your VAR.

If there is information in the table, you will see a CSV button that you can click to download the contents of the table in CSV format.

There is a Refresh Refresh button in the header that you can click to refresh just that table.

There is a second table with a similar structure, but the checks and questions are MVOW specific:

MVOW: non-mkt anlysDo all sales identified as non-market have an appropriate comment in the sales summary field to identify why the sales are non-market?
MVOW: not-suit anlysDo all sales identified as market sales not suitable for analysis have an appropriate comment in the sales summary field to identify why the sales are not suitable for analysis?
MVOW: OoL anlysDo all sales identified as out of line sales have an appropriate comment in the sales summary field to identify why the sales is out of line, including reference to other market sales that demonstrate the sale is out of line?
MVOW: review flagsAre all "Review" flags cleared?
MVOW: cancelled BMAre all cancelled properties no longer flagged as benchmarks?
MVOW: frag without LVDo all multi- or partial-property analyses have an assessed future LV?
MVOW: BM val basisDo all benchmark properties have 6A(1) valuation basis?
MVOW: 14A(1)Do all future values have a 14A(1) authority code?
MVOW: verificationHave all Risk 2 and Risk 3 properties been verified in a timely fashion?
MVOW: RR-1,2 w/sDo all Risk 1 & 2 properties have a future year worksheet?
MVOW: anly linksAre all analyses linked to benchmarks based on market, in-line and suitable sales, and analysed to the future year?
MVOW: seq SIGVALCHAre all sequential 1-SIGVALCH risk ratings justified?
MVOW: fact 25% > compAre all calculated factors within 25% of the component factor?
MVOW: BM fact > 10%Are all reference benchmark values within 10% of the component factored land value?
MVOW: BM valuesDo all benchmark properties have a benchmark value set?