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Sale update

The Sale update page consists of the following sections (or “panels”):

  • Property information
  • Sale details
  • Internal notes
  • Vendor(s)
  • Purchaser(s)
  • Legal description
  • Supps, analyses & past sales
  • Attachments

These panels can be expanded, collapsed, and arranged on one or more tabs. You can save tab layouts, and instantly switch between multiple tab layouts.


The panel ordering is associated with your user account, so even if you log on from a different computer, the panel ordering will be as you have set it elsewhere.


If you make changes to any of the fields or values and try to load a different page in the current tab without saving, the browser will ask you if this is what you really want to do. The same applies if you try to close the tab or the browser window without saving.

There is a Save button at the top of the page. You can press it to save whenever you make changes to the property.

Command buttons

There is a Save button at the top of the page. You can press it to save whenever you make changes to the sale.

There is a Delete Delete button at the top of the page that will allow you to delete the sale if there is no analysis associated with the sale.

There is a View import log button in the command panel that you can click to view the import log for the file containing this sale. Clicking this button will open the import log in a new tab.

There is a PDF button that will generate a PDF sale detail report for the sale.

Property information

This information is about the property. You can change the area, and the zone / component. Note that you can’t change these independently. The zone is determined by the component.

The PID is a link that will take you to the Property update page, and there are links next to the address that allow you to view the property in Google Maps, ValMap or SIX.

Sale details

This panel contains information about the sale itself. The only field you can’t update here is the sale source, which is determined by the system to be one of LPI, OSR or USER.


You are able to modify the list of vendors. You can reorder them, change the information about the vendor, add new vendors or remove existing ones.

There are control icons at the right side of the table allowing you to move the row up or down, edit the item, or delete (trash) the contents of the row.

When you add or edit a vendor, the page will show the following popup to enable you to make changes:

Click Cancel to prevent your changes being applied to the sale; click Done to keep your changes.

Your changes are not permanently saved to the database until you update the sale.


The Purchasers panel behaves the same as the Vendors panel.

The legal description is a plain text box containing the legal description. You can’t format this text as it doesn’t use the Note editor.


This panel contains a list of the analyses that have been undertaken on this property. You can click the Analysis ID to view the analysis directly, and you can also click the Add analysis button to create a new analysis based on this property.

If you click this button, the page will show a popup asking you specify the year to which you will be adjusting the analysis.

The popup will only show you years that don’t already have sales for this analysis.


The Attachments panel contains a list of all the attachments associated with the property. They are displayed in order of attachment date and time to start with, but if you rearrange them the order will be retained.

You can add attachments to this list by simply dragging and dropping them on to the page, or by clicking the Upload attachments button. Then click Add files… in the popup.

You can delete any attachments from the property by clicking the Remove Remove button. The system will ask you if you’re sure you want to do this, because deleting the attachment will remove it from any analyses, supps and/or worksheets.

If you try to delete an attachment that is also used in other properties, you will be given the opportunity to delete the attachment from all other properties. This is not the default behaviour, and you have to actively choose for this to happen. Deleting an attachment from a property actually unlinks it if the attachment is in use by another property. It's only when it's deleted from the last property that the attachment file is actually deleted from the server.



You don’t have to click the Update button in order to have these changes become permanent.

Internal notes

The internal notes are entered using the Note editor. You can format the text using most regular styles. This formatting will be applied to the text if it is included in pages within MVOW, and if it is printed in PDF reports.

There is a button under the notes that you can click to pull the internal notes from the PID into the sale's internal notes field. You'll have to save the sale to keep the changes.