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CLE property detail

The CLE property detail page consists of the following sections (or “panels”):

  • CLE admin
  • MVOW property information
  • MVOW sales
  • Parcels

These panels are locked in place, but will react to how you resize your browser.

CL admin

This panel shows administrative information about the property. It displays the following fields:

  • Property type
  • Identifier
  • District
  • Suburb
  • Zone
  • Valuation class
  • Area
  • Parcel count

MVOW property information

If the system can find one or more properties that correspond to the lot/DP of the tenure, these properties will be displayed here. For each property, the panel will contain the following information:

  • The property ID (PID) - this is a link to the PID detail page
  • The PID's legal description
  • The PID's address
  • The PID's area
  • A collection of the PID's land values

MVOW sales

If the system can find one or more properties that correspond to the lot/DP of the tenure, and the property has any sales recorded in MVOW, the panel will display the following information for each sale:

  • The property ID (PID) - this is a link to the PID detail page
  • The PID's legal description
  • The PID's address
  • The sale's dealing number - this is a link to the sale detail page
  • The sale's contract date
  • The sale price


This panel contains a table including information about the parcels associated with this property. The columns in the table are:

CADIDTextCrown Lands cadastral ID (if applicable).
Land typeTextEither LOTDP or CADID.
Land statusTextOne of a number of possible land statuses.
Fabric typeText?
Fabric CADIDText?
Lot typeTextParcel lot type (if applicable). Only PT is used at present.
LotTextParcel lot number (if applicable).
SectionTextParcel section number (if applicable).
Plan typeTextParcel plan type (if applicable). Either DP or SP.
Plan noNumberParcel plan number (if applicable).
Controlling authText
Account stringText
Account part stringText
Parish DPNumber
Disposal statusText
Object IDNumber
Urban typeText
LGA currentText
Planning zoneText
National park nameText
State forest nameText
Area (m²)Number
Object sourceText
Outlier statusText
Valuation categoryText
Valuation classText
Rent pro rataNumber
LReg noNumber
ALC IDNumber
ALC stringText
ALC grantedText
Category rule idNumber
Category rule valueText
Class rule idNumber
Class rule valueText
IPW ownerText
LReg no actualText
Valuation rule idNumber
Valuation rule valueText
Reserve typeText
Trust managementText