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Crown Land audit

The Crown Land Audit is a dynamic sort of report. You can select the district and the base date, and the check results for the LGA will be shown. All of the checks are shown on the one page and you can scroll up and down to visit each check.

Working with the checks

  1. All of the checks are shown on the one page and you can scroll up and down to visit each check.
  2. None of the checks will be recalculated unless you explicitly make the request by clicking the Refresh Refresh button to refresh a single check; or the Run all checks button.
  3. You can get a PDF containing all checks listed one after the other by clicking the PDF all button.
  4. You can get an XLSX workbook containing all checks on their own tabs by clicking the XLSX all button.
  5. You can hide the table contents by clicking the toggle table visibility toggle table visibility button.

If you hide the contents of large tables you're not working with, you'll vastly speed up the comment editing process.

If a table has more than 100 items, you're going to see a performance improvement by hiding its contents.

If a table has more than 5,000 items, you won't be able to show the table. The system will tell you that there are too many items, and you should click the Edit Edit button in the table header to view or edit the table contents.

  1. You can set the note text for all items in a section by clicking the Magic wand Magic wand button. The system will open a popup into which you can type the new text. Optionally, you can choose to have your text applied only to items that don't already have note text. If you leave the note text blank, the system will clear the notes for the items (it makes no sense to tick the Only apply to items without an existing note in this case). The system will ask you to confirm this action.

This may take a very long time. Please wait until the popup has closed itself before navigating away from this page.

  1. You can click on any of the checks' headings on the left to scroll directly to the check.
  2. You can't edit the comments directly on the page. Instead, you can click the Edit Edit icon to open a popup to edit the comments for a check; or you can double-click on any comment field to open the edit popup and automatically start editing the item.

This rather roundabout way of doing things is what allows you to have all of the checks visible on the one page at once. If the editing were to be enabled on the page, it would take too long to load and the editing process would be even slower.

  1. You can easily add the previous year's summary text to the current year's by clicking the History History button. This will open a popup showing you the previous summary.

Check details

The sections in the report are as laid out in the table below, and for each section there is a question to be answered. The number (or numbers) in parentheses in the Section column can be used to identify the check.

LGA: comp val done (1.2.1)Are all components completely valued?This finds all components that have a report in the selected LGA, and then checks the report. Components will show up here if there is a total component area but no key value. For finance, road and water components, the key value is the adopted rate; for general components, it's the total component valuation.
LGA: BM val done (1.2.2)Are all benchmarks valued?For all general components that have a report in the selected LGA, this shows the benchmarks that do not have an adopted rate.
LGA: approvals (1.2.4)Have approvals been given by valuer, peer reviewer and project manager?For all components that have parcels in the selected LGA, this check shows the component reports that are missing either a valuer or a reviewer.
Interp: comp val done (1.3.1)Have all general class components been valued?For all general components that have a report in the selected LGA, this shows the component reports that have a total component area but no total component valuation. This reports a subset of the components listed in 1.2.1 above.
Interp: BM change (1.3.3)Have all benchmarks been retained?For all components that have a report in the selected LGA, this compares each percentile's benchmark with the corresponding benchmark from the previous year, and lists the differences.
Interp: BM sorted (1.3.4)Are all benchmarks correctly sorted?For all components that have a report in the selected LGA, this check compares the areas of successive benchmarks and lists those where the higher percentile BM has a smaller area.
Interp: BM rel (1.3.5)Within each component, are there any apparent anomalies in the relativities between benchmark values?For all components that have a report in the selected LGA, this check compares the values of successive benchmarks and lists those where the higher percentile BM has a lower value.
Sales: analyses (1.4.1)Are full details provided for all listed sales?For analysis associated with financial lease components, this check lists all that are missing any of the permitted use, the lease type, the net yield, or the applicability.
Finance: anly suff (2.2.2)Have adequate investment sales been analysed in the LGA?For all financial components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check lists components for which there are fewer than three analyses supporting the valuation.
Finance: factor ok (2.2.3)Is the adopted capitalisation rate supported by the market evidence and rationale supplied?For all financial components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check finds components where the capitalisation rate falls outside of the range of the net yields of the supporting analyses.
Finance: rate change (2.2.4)Are all new capitalisation rates within 0.5% of the previous rate?For all financial components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check finds components where the capitalisation rate change from the previous year is greater than 0.5%. This is comparing the rates themselves and not the variance between rates.
General: diff BMs (2.3.3)Has the contract valuer used only CLID-selected benchmarks?For all general components that have a report in the selected LGA, this check shows the percentiles where the valuer has selected a different benchmark property than the one initially nominated. This check does not look at prior years, where 1.3.3 above does.
General: BMs suit (2.3.4)Do the property details in the selected benchmark valuations for non-CLID benchmarks selected by the contract valuer match the corresponding property details?Similar to check 2.3.3 above, this check uses the same selection criteria but includes more information useful for comparing the benchmarks.
General: anly match (2.3.8)Does the market evidence listed for the benchmark valuations correspond with sales evidence recorded in “General Sales” tab?For all general components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check finds components where the adopted rate falls outside of the range of the analysed rate/m² of the supporting analyses. If there is no component report yet, the Perc column contains "All"; if there is a component report but the benchmark doesn't have associated analyses, the Rate/m² OK value is "No"; if there are associated analyses, the Rate/m² OK value shows the benchmark's rate and the range of analysed rates/m².
General: anly adequate (2.3.9)Have adequate sales evidence and rationale been provided to support the valuation rate adopted for each benchmark property?For all general components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check finds components where there are fewer than three analyses associated with a benchmark. If there is no component report yet, the Perc column contains "All"; if there is a component report but a benchmark has fewer than three associated analyses, the Sales column contains the number of analyses.
Roads/water: comp desc (2.4.1)Does the component description adequately describe the nature of the component?For all roads & waterways components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check lists the components with no component description.
Roads/water: anly adequate (2.4.3)Has adequate sales evidence and rationale been provided to support the valuation rate adopted for each outlier property?For all roads & waterways components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check finds components where there are fewer than three associated analyses. The Sales column contains the number of sales associated wtih the component.
Roads/water: rate change (2.4.4)Are all newly adopted rates within 10% of the previous rate?For all roads & waterways components that have any parcels in the selected LGA, this check finds components where the variance between the previous year's rate and this year's rate is greater than 10%.
RegIndex: no factor (3.1.1)Has regional indexation been applied to all required LGA / components?This checks all components in the selected district to determine whether indexation has been applied. It assumes that components in the tranche or that have been part of the difference process don't need this check, so it's not applied to them.