Quality assurance reports
Benchmark exceptions
Lists exceptions for primary and reference benchmark choice, and exceptions in the factors for primary and reference benchmarks as per the procedures manual. You must nominate a district and a base date.
Concessions comparison
Report listing all concessions that have been cancelled since the last annual values. You must nominate a district and a base date.
Prior objections
Lists all properties where there is an authority code of 35B where the percentage variation (((compfactor * ltv) - fut) / fut) x 100 is greater than an entered value. You must nominate a district, a base date and the variation limit.
Risk rating comparisons
Lists all properties where the actual risk rating for the nominated year differs from the default risk rating. You must nominate a district and a base date.
Rate / area exceptions
Assists in identifying properties where the land value appears out of line with other properties in a component.
Worksheet calculation exceptions
List properties whose worksheet calculations are not in line with the property values.
Monthly report
Please see the monthly report page for details.
Monthly sales report
A report to help meet contactor requirements and expectations for sale analysis report in the progress report. It lists sales analysed for the contract year, excludes not suitable and non-market sales and counts vacant sales separately.
Section 28 calculation lines
Lists all section 28 properties for a district, including area, land value basis for the nominated base year and the number of land use and LGA calculation lines.
Related property groups
Lists all related property groups, including properties, areas and legal descriptions.
LT and corrected LV comparison
This report lists properties whose corrected LV is outside of 0.5 and 2.0 times the LT land value. You must nominate a base year, a district and variation limits.
Risk rating comparisons for 1-ANLYSALE
Lists all properties with a 1-ANLYSALE risk rating in the nominated year along with the default risk rating if there were not an analysed sale. You must nominate a district and a base date.
Benchmark values
Displays a list of all benchmark properties in a district. The report includes benchmark types, land values, various forms of factors and the variance between the factored land value (LTV × component factor) and the benchmark value provided on the component report (or property's benchmark value panel). Variances greater than 10% are highlighted and there are links to the relevant component reports and benchmark PIDs in the web version of the report.
Area discrepancies
Displays a list of all properties in a district where the area on related sales and analyses is different to that on the property. The report includes the component, PID, address, property area, SID, sale dealing, sale area, AID, analysis base year, analysis dealing, the multi-PID flag, and analysis area grouped by zone. There is a button at the end of each row that a user can click to copy the area from the property to the sale and/or analysis.
Missing fixed comparisons
Displays a list of all analyses and their addresses where the analysis has been used to support a benchmark valuation, but there is no fixed comparison. The report includes the zone, component, benchmark PID and type, analysis ID (AID), and the analysis address. The rows are grouped by component within zone. Each row has a links to the component report for the nominated year, the BM property, and the analysis.
Sales activity
Report that can be used to ensure an acceptable quantity of sales analysis is undertaken in each zone and component. It shows the number of sales analysed against the number of sales that occurred, including the QRP on a per component basis. You must nominate a district, a base date and a date range.
Sale activity by valuer
Report that shows sales analysed for a given valuer by component.
Resales report
Lists instances where a property has sold more than once in a given time period.
Sale price exception
Lists analysed sales where the future land value exceeds the adjusted land value.
Land value greater than purchase price
Lists confirmed sales of non-strata properties where the land value exceeds the sale price.
Sales ratio comparison
Lists analysed sales where the factor variation (ltv / adjusted lv from sale) is outside of a specified range (defaulting to 0.85 to 1.00).
AVM check
Highlights variations of greater than 10% between the AVM factor and the component factor where there are more than 10 analysed sales in a component.
Sale quartile report
Lists sales and analyses by quartile within component.
Lightly improved properties
Lists sales since Sep 1 where the price is within 20% of the LT or future LV.
Mismatched prior LV and property values
Lists sale analyses where the LV at prior LT BD is different to the PID's LV for that base date.
Paired sales report
Lists paired sales. The report can be generated by vacant sale analysis or by improved sale analysis.
MI rates not in ranges
Lists sales where the main improvement rates are not within the relevant ranges based on construction type, age, area and condiition.
Analyses with components different to PIDs
Lists analyses where the component code is different to the component code for the corresponding PID.
Median sale prices (suburb)
Shows median sale prices for a 12 month period per month by suburb for a district. You can select the end month.
Median sale prices (zone)
Shows median sale prices for a 12 month period per month by zone for a district. You can select the end month.
Inconsistent sale analyses
Shows you all analyses that are in the same component and related to the same benchmark property where the difference between the two adjusted land values is greater than the difference between the two sale prices, and the areas of the two properties are within 50m² of each other. It is only available in web and CSV format, and you must specify the district and the base year. You can also optionally restrict the report to a nominated set of sale codes and exclude sale codes ending with I. The report will not include analyses marked as Internal or Multi-PID.
Verifications by risk (LGA)
Displays verification by risk rating within district tabs.
Verifications by risk (Region)
Displays verification by risk rating within contract region tabs.
Verifications by component (district)
Displays verification planning information by component within district.
Verifications by component (region)
Displays verification planning information by component within contract region.