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Monthly reports


The monthly report was designed to be a one-stop-shop for monthly stats when generating reports for VNSW. However, it has fallen into disuse because either it doesn’t present you with the information you really need, or you’re not understanding what it does present. In either case, this document is an attempt convey exactly what it does tell you so that you can judge whether it’s appropriate for your use, and if it’s not, what can be done to fix it.

Report criteria

When you go to run the report, there are a couple of entry fields that require values.

Month start date

The month start date is the first day of the month for which you want to run the report. The first time you run the report, this field is blank. However, MVOW keeps the most recently used value as a system parameter, and if it can find a valid previous value, it uses this to determine a default value. To start with, the default value will be the first date of the most recently used month. The program then checks a month and a half in advance of this date, and if the result of this calculation is a date is before than today’s date, then the default month start date is advanced by one month.

Year start date

The year start date is the first day of your contract year, and determines the start date of the year to date figures. The first time you run this report, this field will be blank. However, MVOW keeps the most recently used value in the system parameters, and if it can find a valid previous value, it uses this to determine a default value. The program adds one year and 15 days to the previous value, and if the resulting date is before today’s date, the default year start date is advanced by one year.

Report content

The report shows information collated by LGA. Within each LGA, information is summarised by zone. For each zone, the program will include the following values:

  • the number of properties in the zone
  • the number sales inspected (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of sale analyses exported (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of sales coded (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of sales analysed (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of supps processed (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of verifications (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of components reviewed (for the month and year to date)
  • the number of worksheets created (for the month and year to date)
  • If any value is zero, the program will leave a blank.

The means of calculating each of these values for the zone will be explained below.

Properties in the zone

This value will always show the current number of properties in the zone, regardless of what the value may have been in the past. The value is the number of properties not marked as deleted for each zone.

Sales inspected

For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of sales with an inspection date on or after the start of the given year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of sales with an inspection date on or after the start of the given month start date, and before the start of the next month.

Sale analyses exported

For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of exported analyses with an export date on or after the start of the given year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of exported analyses with an export date on or after the start of the given month start date, and before the start of the next month.

Sales coded

The system keeps a record of when sales codes were exported. This log contains the sale ID, sale code, dealing number, export time, export file name and the username of the user that exported the sale codes.

For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of distinct sale IDs where the export date is on or after the start of the year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of distinct sale IDs where the export date is on or after the start of the month start date and before the start of the next month.

Sales analysed

For an analysis to be counted in the month report, it must meet several criteria. These are:

  • the analysis date must be on or after the start of the date range; and
  • before the start of the next date range; and
  • either not have a recorded reporting month, or have a recorded reporting month that falls within the date range.

The recorded reporting month mentioned above is the monthly report’s way of keeping track of the month in which the analysis was first reported. If an analysis was first reported in (say) June, but after the generation of the report a user changes the analysis date to July, the report will continue to report the analysis in June instead of July.

For the year to date value, the date range will be the year beginning at the year start date; for the month value, the date range will be the month beginning at the month start date.

Supps processed

The system keeps a record of when supps are exported. This log contains the supp ID (a number not generally visible to users), supp code, export time, export file name and the username of the user that exported the sale codes.

For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of distinct supp IDs where the export date is on or after the start of the year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of distinct supp IDs where the export date is on or after the start of the month start date and before the start of the next month.


For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of property IDs that are not cancelled, and have a verification date on or after the start of the given year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of property IDs that are not cancelled, and have a verification date on or after the start of the given month start date, and before the start of the next month.

Note that the verification date is the value that is displayed on the bottom row of the Valuation tab in the Property Edit window. It is not dependent upon which column the date is in. If you’ve not verified a value in that window, the verification won’t show up in the month report.

Components reviewed

For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of components that have a review date on or after the start of the given year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of components that have a review date on or after the start of the given month start date, and before the start of the next month.

To update a component’s review date:

  1. Open the Component analysis window.
  2. Right-click a component and choose Edit Component…
  3. Update the Review date on the window that opens.
  4. Click OK to save your changes.

Worksheets created

For the year to date value, this is a count of the number of worksheets that have been updated on or after the start of the given year start date and before the start of the next year.

For the month value, this is a count of the number of worksheets that have been updated on or after the start of the given month start date, and before the start of the next month.