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How do I manage my verifications?

Searching for verified properties

MVOW provides the following search criteria in the property full search tab:

  • Property - verification type
  • Property - verification date
  • Property notes - latest verification date
  • Property notes - latest verification type
  • Future values - Future verification date
  • LT values - LT verification date
  • LG values - LG verification date

To explain, the Property values are those that VNSW knows about. These are the verification types and dates that came into your system when you imported the last property data file that VNSW provided.

The Property notes values are the latest verification types and dates for each property, whether the last verification is in the future year, the current LT year, the LG year or any year at all.

The other three verification dates will let you find properties that are or were verified in that particular year, regardless of whether they were verified before that date, or have been verified again since that date.

This page lists verifications by component by district. There are district tabs across the top, and each row in the table corresponds to a component code. The columns contain:

  • the zone
  • the component description
  • the number of properties in the component
  • the number of properties verified since the current LT year's November 1
  • the last component review date
  • the number of properties verified since the last review date
  • the target review date (this is an in-place editable field)
  • the valuer responsible for the component
  • a "mark as reviewed" icon

The mark as reviewed icon is only shown if the number of properties reviewed since the last review date is equal to the number of properties in the component. If you click the thumbs-up thumbs-up icon, the component will be marked as reviewed on today's date.


There is a CSV button at the top of the table that you can click to download this table as a spreadsheet.

This page is also sports district tabs, but instead of grouping by component, these verifications are grouped by risk rating, and then by risk code.

Each Risk rating table shows the risk rating and code, and the number of properties corresponding to the rating/code.

Risk rating 1 also shows only the verifications since November 1 of the current LT year.

Risk rating 2 also shows the verifications for the years beginning November 1 of the last three years.

Risk rating 3 also shows the verifications for the years beginning November 1 of the last six years.

Note that there is a CSV button at the top of the table that you can click to download this table as a spreadsheet.

This page is very similar to the above page, but instead of grouping the verifications into districts, it groups them into contract areas. If you don't have contract areas defined, it simply shows you the verifications for all licensed districts.