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How to export analyses in bulk

You can export a single analysis as a zip file from the Analysis update page by clicking the Export button in the attachments panel. But that doesn't let you export more than one analysis at a time.

In order to export multiple analyses, you search for the analyses that you want to export.


You could use search criteria of Can export = YES AND Is exported = NO which would make a great favourite.

You then select all of the analyses in the search results, and choose Action Action | Export selected analyses. You will see a popup that tells you that the system has accepted the export request, and offers a link to view the export queue. You can just click OK if you're happy to dismiss the popup and view the export queue later.

If you go to the export queue, you'll see a list of one or more entries with the file type Analyses. The system will divide your exports up into zip files that don't exceed 15,000,000 bytes so that none of the zip files will exceed the upload limits set by VNSW. Once the exports are complete and ready for download, you can click the Download Download button for each export and save the zip files to your computer reading for upload to Valnet.