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Understanding users and roles

Each person who uses MVOW accesses it as an MVOW user. An MVOW user is a record in the system that provides:

  • authentication details (username, password and optionally a second authentication factor)
  • personal and contact details (to store information about each user)
  • permissions (so you can control what the user can see and do)
  • user options (to customise the software for each particular user)

Each user is given a set of permissions by being associated with one or more roles.


Roles make it easy to precisely specify what a user has access to and what the user can do. MVOW uses the role-based access control (RBAC) model to provide this control.

This model can be described in this way:

  • There are a bunch of permissions. These are things like “can log in”, “can update properties”, “can import files”.
  • There are one or more roles. Each role aggregates collections of permissions, so that the “Data Transfer Manager” role has the permissions “can import files”, “can delete export files”, “can export files”, “can view import/export history”, “can view the data transfer menu”.
  • Users have one or more roles. For instance, the office manager may have the roles “Data Transfer Manager” and “Reference Data Manager” but not “Valuer”.

MVOW comes standard with the following roles:

  • Administrator - Super user
  • Data Transfer Manager - Imports and exports data
  • Office Assistant - Office/valuation assistant
  • VNSW User - VNSW user
  • Reference Data Manager - Manages reference data
  • Terminated User - Unable to log in
  • User - Regular user
  • Valuer - Valuer

You can add and remove permissions from these roles as you deem appropriate.


MVOW also allows you to create entirely new roles. You can add and delete roles as you see fit. Each role can have its own set of permissions and can be associated with the users you choose.