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Working with roles

You will want to create a set of roles that map to how your organisation normally divides its work. Each role will provide the permissions necessary to do the specific set of tasks needed by a particular function.


Custom roles enable you to enforce the principle of least privilege, ensuring that people within your organisation have only those permissions essential to performing their intended functions.


The office manager might have the roles “Data Transfer Manager” and “Reference Data Manager” but not “Valuer”.

Creating a role

  1. Go to the Contractor | Roles page.
  2. Press the New button.
  3. Name and describe the role by entering Role Name and Role description.
  4. Press Save.
  5. From the list of permissions, select which permissions will be associated with this role.
  6. Press Save.

For a description of each permission, see Roles.

Updating a role

  1. Go to the Contractor | Roles page.
  2. Select the role name you want to update.
  3. From the list of permissions, select which permissions will be associated with this role.
  4. Press Save.

Deleting a role

  1. Go to the Contractor | Roles page.
  2. Select the role name you want to delete.
  3. Press Delete.
  4. Confirm the deletion.